Welcome to the Escrow Institute of California Member WebsiteThe Escrow Institute of California is committed to protecting your real estate investment and transaction. That means providing you with an escrow officer you can trust – someone who can protect you against fraud and guide you through the complex process of securing your property. EIC members are licensed by the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI), undergo background checks and fingerprinting by the California Department of Justice and are bonded by the Escrow Agents’ Fidelity Corporation. |
While other associations use a calendar year dues billing, EIC is now offering annual dues starting and renewing on the date you join.
The $800 yearly dues is a company-wide membership. Your Owners, Managers, Escrow staff will all be a part of our organization.
Questions? Call me to discuss! Michele Kibbe, Membership Committee Chair, at 858-565-4009. Email – michele.kibbe@phescrow.com
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EIC Member BenefitsEscrow Institute of California provides members with first-class education. We are also the legal lobby in Sacramento protecting your business and your rights. Login to the Members Only section to receive benefits information, important news and alerts. | Recent forum updates